Nicole Neeman Brady
In a world where water and energy management is becoming increasingly difficult, we are leading the transformation of the water and electric sectors and redefining what it means to be a publicly-owned utility by serving all the needs of the diverse customers of the great City of Los Angeles.
Board Vice President
[email protected]
Audit Standing Committee
Executive Standing Committee
Inyo/Los Angeles Standing Committee
Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on Exercising Contract Options
Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on the Southern California Public Power Authority
Sustainability and Climate Resiliency Standing Committee
Finance Standing Committee
Projects & Initiatives
Remarks by Commissioner Neeman Brady.
Click here to read all remarks given by Board Members.
LADWP’s Fifth Annual Utility Trends Workshop Gives Commercial Customers Close Look at Utility’s Sustainability Efforts
Through this annual event, we are able to bring our largest customers into the fold and offer them an up-close glimpse at our current projects and priorities, and discuss what impacts those may have on their operations in the coming years.
LADWP Newly Completed Ultraviolet Disinfection Facility Further Improves Water Quality for the City of Los Angeles
All Angelenos should be confident that the water that comes out of the faucets, has been put through rigorous treatment, testing, and monitoring.
I am excited and humbled by the opportunity to represent the city and LADWP’s customers in providing oversight of our utility, and I’m grateful for Mayor Garcetti’s trust and support. I'm eager to begin, and look forward to being a part of shaping our great city’s water and power future.